Thursday, July 05, 2012

Land for school

There are multiple ways that this could go but we are going to discuss a few options here to get the ball rolling.

To start; this organization could start without property and just offer services. It could act as an educational organization without roots.

As the program gather support and success the organization can begin to define it's needs and desires in seeking a home and/or training facilities. While defining it's desires for a main campus the orgnaization can seek to aquire smaller parcels or tracts of land to use as training facilities and education/business hubs. These should be at minimum 10 to 20 acres so as to facilitate groups rather than small numbers of individuals.

This or these initial hubs should be developed properly before moving to develope a main campus although the organization should spend some time and energy figuring out what it wants and why; develope a good plan and public relations campaign, and constantly seek out supporters.

This/these intial hub(s) should be developed into facilities that will be able to operate semi-atuonomously from the main campus after it is built. Although they should intially be developed for multi puropse use they should also be designed to transform smoothly into a facility with a certain set of specialties (whatever those may be).

Main campus should seek to piece together as large of a tract of land as possible. 250 acres at minimum although 1000+ would give the organization breathing space to grow into. This main campus will become it's own flourishing community and the facilities should be planned similar to the way intentional communities and cities are planed. It is not just a school and it is not just a suburb. This campus community will operate like a city but rolled into one administration. Each department could operate as the "agency" in charge of providing the best quality services to their community (housing, health, food, etc. services).

Just a rough outline but there are more details to each step. More to come.

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